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Committees & Leadership


  • Assistant Majority Whip

  • Vice Chair - Government Modernization & Technology Committee

  • Alcohol, Tobacco, & Controlled Substances Committee

  • Appropriations & Budget General Government Subcommittee

  • Energy & Natural Resources Committee

Current Term (2023 - Present)

HB 3156 – Authored by Roberts, Signed into law

Prohibits the use of ranked-choice voting in all Oklahoma public elections. Ranked-choice voting has caused confusion and delayed election results everywhere it has been tried.​


HJR 1025 – Coauthored with Rep. Wolfley, Passed House, not heard in Senate

Creates a proposal to allow a freeze on assessed property value for seniors whose gross household income is less than double the estimated median income in the county of residence (changes eligibility for seniors with a total household income of $85,300 to $170,600).


HB 3158 – Authored by Roberts, Signed into law

Modifies current school application requirements to help cosmetology and barber schools in prisons continue to educate and train students.


HB 3157 – Authored by Roberts, Signed into law

Changes operating a place of prostitution from a misdemeanor to a felony. The Oklahoma City Police Department served as an advisor on this bill, which will go into effect November 1st, 2024.


HB 3159 – Authored by Roberts, Signed into law

Gives landowners the right of first refusal if the state or any person who acquired the land through eminent domain authority decides to sell the land. Before the state can publicly sell land acquired via eminent domain, the state must off􀆴er the land back to the original landowner or the first generation of heirs. If the landowner chooses to repurchase the land, the cost would be the lower of the current market value or the amount paid to the landowner when the land was taken.


SJR 23 – Coauthored with Sen. Bergstrom, Passed House and Senate

Submits to the people a constitutional amendment clarifying that only US citizens are qualified to vote in Oklahoma. This amendment will appear on the ballot later this year.


SB 1835 – Coauthored with Sen. Gollihare, Signed into law

creates the Oklahoma Survivors’ Act. The measure provides that during a hearing to sentence an oô€†´ffender or accept a plea of guilty, the court must consider as a mitigating factor a person’s history of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse prior to sentencing.

HB 2054 – Authored by Roberts, Signed into law

Made buying sex a felony. This bill has no impact on prostitutes, most of whom are victims of sex trafficking. This change was requested by the Oklahoma City Police Department Vice Unit. Texas passed a similar bill in 2021 and found it successful in reducing sex trafficking. The county district attorneys are key in enforcing this new law, which became effective July 1, 2023.


HB 2663 – Coauthored with Steagall, Signed into law

Removes the time restrictions that discharged Armed Services members or their dependents and spouses must comply with in order to be eligible for in-state tuition status at an OK college or university.


HB 2020 – Coauthored with Wolfley, Passed House and Senate Committee

Increases the income tax exemption for retirement benefits from $10,000 to $20,000 beginning tax year 2024.


HB 2052 – Authored by Roberts, Signed into law

Protects election integrity by adding guardrails for voter roll maintenance and penalizing the use of private voter data for purposes unrelated to voter roll maintenance.


SB 513 – Coauthored with Sen. Rosino, signed into law

Saves voters money on unnecessary and ineffective medical treatments by requiring each health benefit plan to cover biomarker testing--a method that uses a sample of blood or tissue to check for certain genes, proteins or other molecules that could signal a disease like cancer. Doctor use this testing to select treatments most likely to help patients while preventing them from undergoing unnecessary treatments.


HB 1639 – Coauthored with Hasenbeck, CCR Submitted

Requires the court to consider all forms of abuse as a mitigating factor when evaluating homicide crimes committed by victims against intimate partners, bill awaiting amendment.


HB 1955 – Coauthored with McCall, Signed into law

Eliminates the 4.5 percent state sales tax on the retail sale of food and food ingredients. Expected to go into effect in August 2024,


HB 1389 – Coauthored with Bashore, Passed House, awaiting hearing in Senate

Reduces excise tax on vehicle purchases by reducing taxable amount by trade-in credits and discounts.


SB 1119 / HB 2901 – Supported Education Package

Including record funding for public schools, teacher pay raises and parent empowerment.

First Term (2021 - 2022)

HB 1752 – Coauthored with Hader, Signed into law

Addressed election integrity issue by mandating that all secretaries of county elections throughout the state receive a monthly list of deceased voters, and remove deceased persons’ voter registrations from county voter rolls. Election integrity and trust in the electoral process is essential to a strong democratic republic, and this piece of legislation mandates timely updates to the voter rolls to ensure that political opportunists do not vote on behalf of the dead.  


SB 770 – House Author with Stephens, Signed into law

Extended the tax check-off to allow Oklahomans to donate to the Oklahoma Wildlife Diversity Program via their tax returns—wildlife being a large part of that diversity. Donations to the Commission preserve and enhance wildlife in Oklahoma, thereby, strengthening Oklahoma’s ecological diversity.


HB 1032 – Coauthored with Mize, Signed into law

Coauthored legislation expanding entrepreneurship in home-based businesses. We increased the maximum gross annual sales standard, and expanded the formerly exclusionary definition of a homemade good. These reforms are significant for residents whose businesses and means of income depend on the creation of homemade foods.


HB1236 – Coauthored with House Speaker McCall, Signed into law

Coauthored legislation that vigorously pushes back against presidential executive orders and federal actions. The bill empowers the Oklahoma legislature by initiating a legal process to direct the state attorney general to review executive orders and federal actions to determine constitutionality. 


HB 1891 – Coauthored with Williams

Coathored an anti-telemarketing bill to address misleading telemarketing activities that conceal the source of calls.


HB 2648 – Coauthored with Hill, Signed into law

Coauthored a law that prohibits any government-forced closure of places of worship. Sadly, we witnessed bureaucrats and governmental attempts to limit or deny our First Amendment constitutionally guaranteed right to free exercise of religion, in the name of public health. This law makes it nearly impossible for any governmental entity to restrict our sacred religious right to worship freely.


HR 1005 – Coauthored with Steagall

Coauthored a House Resolution to defend our 10th Amendment rights. Since the inauguration of President Biden, the federal government has made a priority attempting to control what happens within our state border, infringing on our state rights. State officials and our current federal government need a strong reminder of the 10th Amendment’s importance to our Republic, because limiting the federal government’s scope to ‘narrow and defined’ strengthens American’s liberty  - and preserves freedom for future Americans to enjoy.

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